Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How Do You Prepare for a Trip to Israel?

Preparing for our trip was done amongst a whirlwind of activity but preparation was unique because of where we were going. It wasn’t just that it was going to be VERY hot (upwards of 100 degrees some days) but the need to pack with cultural sensitivities in mind…no shorts…and something to cover your arms when entering the holy sights.

The idea was we wanted to fit in as much as possible and be sensitive to the culture we would be becoming a part of for the next 14 days.
There was the obvious packing to be done along with buying items you hope you didn’t need but better have just in case, but there was also a heart preparation that I quickly began to realize was even more important than having good walking shoes. My prayer was God would teach me through our trip…through the sights, smells, and places I only had read about in the Bible until now and never dreamed of seeing first hand. My prayer was that God would help me to be more thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus than being enamored with walking where he walked. So, now we are here and I feel like I’m drinking from a fire hydrant of information and experiencing a geographical encyclopedia about a world I knew so little about. The experience is already broadening the context of God’s Word in ways I’m just beginning to assimilate and hope to share as we go.

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